The Ford Law Office creates estate plans and medical assistance plans for families and individuals. Our purpose is to work together with our clients to meet their hopes, goals and aspirations. Through our unique counseling and design process our clients understand they have a plan which will work.

Hannon T. Ford is a Certified Elder Law Attorney, certified by the National Elder Law Foundation, the only elder law certifying agency accredited by the American Bar Association and the Minnesota State Board of Legal Certification.
"Plan Ahead and Plan Well"
The Ford Law Office Specializes in Elder Law
We counsel and design plans to meet these goals and many others
"Plan Ahead and Plan Well"
The Ford Law Office Specializes in Elder Law
We counsel and design plans to meet these goals and many others
- Provide for loved ones in the best way possible
- Avoid family fights
- Protect assets from predators, creditors and out-laws (that were once in-laws)
- Protect assets from high costs of long term care
- Save taxes and avoid unnecessary probate costs
- Keep the assets in the bloodline
- Prepare for Nursing Home and Medical Assistance
- Pass the family farm or business in the best way
- Avoid Guardianship and Conservatorship
- Create a Legacy for your family and loved ones